With the winter quickly approaching CL is on our yearly winter hiatus. I hope you guys use this time to rebuild your cars or start a new project. I wanted to use this space to tell you guys how pleased we are with everyones progression this year. This was our first year utilizing the E-town road course to its full potential. Every event i saw progression from our drivers, unrivaled camaraderie, and a level of support i have seen from no other grassroots drifters anywhere i have been.

We had some set backs this year when we lost our buddy Rich Bible, but i want to thank you guys again for coming together and supporting his family. It was crazy hearing the stories from people who knew him and the seeing the support of strangers.

I will be talking with E-town in the coming weeks to set up another blockbuster season for both beginners and gunners alike. I hope to see a lot of new faces this year as well as the usual suspects. 2010 will see us trying new tracks on the road course, having more clinics for beginners, and trying to incorporate more fun stuff into our road course events.

Dont forget about the year end banquet in December, i hope to see everyone there. This event is one of my favorite of the season, we get to slow everything down and hangout with our drivers and volunteers and get prepped for the new season.

So with that said, lets keep the forums fired up with pics of car builds and keep talking about all the ass kicking we plan to do in 2010. Thanks for a great 09 season guys.
