Last weekend, we met up with Chris Forsberg and Tony Angelo at the Ewing Animal Shelter so that we could present them with the donations raised at East Coast Bash. If you hadn’t heard, Chris and Tony were giving ride alongs with all proceeds to be donated to EASEL Animal Awareness League ( Mishimoto and LPC were also raffling off a custom airbrushed catch can and donating all of the ticket money.
Between the ride alongs, the raffle and some extra donations from some pretty awesome people, we were able to raise $3,500 for EASEL. We have already received word that some of the money is going to help rehabilitate a stray who was hit by a car and had to have its leg amputated. And of course, there is no shortage of need for financial assistance to care for and spay/neuter the animals as well as work to get these dogs and cats adopted.
We want to thank everyone that came and got a ride with Chris or Tony or Nick D’Alessio, who helped fill in when the other cars started breaking. We also want to thank everyone who bought a Mishimoto/LPC raffle ticket or donated some extra money to EASEL. Without all your support we wouldn’t have been able to give this money to EASEL.
If you’re looking for a dog, keep EASEL in mind. Too many people don’t realize how awesome these dogs are and they end up in the shelter. I mean look at Hank, the pit/lab mix in a few of the pictures, he’s awesome and available for adoption, someone should really take him home. Panic, Tony’s adopted rottweiler, is in some of the other pictures, he’s not available but came out to show his support and make some new friends.