Advanced Clinic – Saturday, June 13, 2020
No Fear Moves – Sunday, June 14, 2020
Englishtown Raceway Park
For Week 2 of our 2020 Comeback Tour, we are going to have an Advanced Clinic on the Road Course on Saturday and No Fear Moves on the Kart Track on Sunday. No Fear Moves was originally on the schedule and we’re trying to get back to what we had originally planned for this season.
Due to current executive order regulations, we are going to continue with the split schedule for No Fear Moves. But the Clinic will still be on a normal clinic schedule.
The Advanced Clinic is Open to A group and No Fear Moves will be open for B and C. Space is limited for the weekend, so if you’re ready to party, then sign up as soon as possible.
Health and Safety Guidelines
Similar health and safety regulations that are being used everywhere, will be in place.
These guidelines apply to both the Clinic and No Fear Moves. If you do not follow these guidelines, you will be asked to leave without refund. These are to keep everyone safe, so don’t screw it up for everyone else.
- Social distancing whenever possible
- Where a mask when you’re in close contact with other people – so when you get to the track to check in, when you come through tech, when we do drivers meeting, when you go to the bathroom, please put on a mask for everyone’s benefit. All other times, you don’t need it but are free to wear one if you want.
- No touching – you might be comfortable but other people might not be, so hugs, high fives, wedgies, etc should be saved for later
- Wash your hands, like actually wash your hands and do it more often than normal
- No viruses allowed – so if you’re sick, any kind of sick, don’t come, if you’ve been in contact recently with someone who has the virus, don’t come, if you even think something is wrong, don’t come, just stick it out a little longer and come back when you’re feeling great
Advanced Clinic – Saturday, June 13, 2020

Saturday is an advanced clinic and open to A group drivers only.
It’s been a lot longer than normal since we have really driven. So this Saturday is an opportunity to really shake off the rust and get back into the swing of things so you’re ready for the rest of what we have planned.
Since this is an advanced clinic, we want to focus on tightening up tandems. So if you have a couple guys that you always drive with, it would be most beneficial if you get them to sign up with you. This will help you all progress and drive with each other. But we know a lot of you guys like the challenge of driving with anyone who pulls up behind you. So we can do some of that too. But I would highly suggest, if you have a Team, you guys come together. (This might be a hint for things to come…)
Registration will be limited so don’t wait to sign up. This will be a smaller group so that everyone can get the seat time and instruction that they need.
This is NOT a spectator event. DO NOT bring your old lady or your buddy or anything like that. Just bring yourself, your car, a big stack of tires and a desire to shred. If you attempt to bring any additional people with you, they will not be allowed in the facility.
Cars and drivers must pass tech. You need to make sure you have a legal helmet, all the safety gear and everything else required in the rulebook to drive an event. The rules can be found here:
The Rules
If you have questions about the rulebook, EMAIL US.
Gates Open (be at the track by 8:30 at the latest) – 8:00AM
Tech and staff constructively criticizing cars – 9:00AM
Drivers Meeting – 9:30AM
Track walk, road course stuff, drifting stuff, etc – 10:00AM
Go Home – 5PM
This event is for A group drivers only.
Space is limited and this will fill up quickly.
It is $160 to drive.
Use the button below to register to drive. Make sure to include all required information. Registration is open from now until it is full. Any issues with payment email Club Loose.
This will show as sold out when the clinic is full. Email to be placed on the wait list.
Because this is a clinic and space is limited and this is short notice, there will be no transfers or cancellations unless there are legitimate extenuating circumstances. If that happens, email us at as soon as possible and we will help sort it out. Registration cannot be transferred to another event or to another driver without approval.
IF you DO NOT follow the guidelines listed above to cancel and DO NOT show up to the event, you WILL NOT be refunded.
No Fear Moves – Sunday, June 14, 2020

We returned to the Kart Track last year for a couple events and it was an awesome time. It is a super fun layout that is great for all drivers. There will be two different sessions on Sunday. One from 10-1 and the other from 1:30-4:30. These will be limited to 25 drivers each. Detailed schedules are listed below.
We will be pitting in the two open areas next to the kart track. These are great for drift cars but will be a little tight with trucks and trailers. So you may have to unload in the field and drive your car over to the kart pits. We are working on finalizing logistics for the day and will keep this updated.
This event is open to B and C group drivers. By the way, if you have never driven with us, you’re in C group. As always, make sure your car passes tech. If it does not pass, you will not be allowed on track. Registration will NOT be refunded if you can not pass tech. The rules can be found here:
Spectators will not be able to attend this one. But each driver is allowed to bring up to 3 crew members. This means your old lady, your dad, your buddy from high school, etc. Anyone you bring is considered crew. Each crew is $20 and must be pre-paid. The crew people would need to come to the track with you and leave when your time is up.
Due to the restrictions, we will only be running one group at a time and there will be staggered entry and exit times for each group. The schedules are listed below, so please read carefully. You will not be allowed into the facility before the time listed here for your group.
For this event, it is very important that you arrive on time and that you leave on time. I wish everyone could hang out all day but that is not how things can work this time. You and any crew that is with you must arrive together and should be in the same vehicle. We do not have the time or space to have your 3 crew members each bring their own car. And you and your crew must leave by the time specified for your group.
Sunday – Session 1 – Open to B and C Drivers
Gates open – 8:00 AM
Tech opens – 8:30 AM
Driver’s Meeting – 9:45 AM
Drifting starts – 10:00 AM
Drifting ends – 1:00 PM
Must leave pits by 2:00 PM
Sunday – Session 2 – Open to B and C Drivers
Gates open – 11:30 AM
Tech opens – 12:00 PM
Driver’s Meeting – 1:15 PM
Drifting starts – 1:30 PM
Drifting ends – 4:30 PM
Must leave pits by 5:30 PM
Drivers meetings are mandatory. You must attend the drivers meeting before you can get out on the course. This is for your safety and it goes for everyone.
Preregistration is required for this event.
$100 to drive.
Space is limited to 25 drivers per group due to current restrictions.
Preregistration will be open until Friday, June 12th at noon unless it sells out before.
Spectators will not be able to attend this one. But each driver is allowed to bring up to 3 crew members or family with them. Crew must be prepaid at the time of driver registration. In the drop down for your group, there are options to sign up 0-3 crew members. It is $20 per crew member. Pick the appropriate option in the drop down and provide the names of the crew members by adding a “Note to Seller” when you are checking out. If you do not enter them in the note, you need to email us at so that we can add them. If they are not on the list at the gate, they will not be allowed in.
Use the button below to register to drive. Make sure to include all required information. Registration is open from now until Friday, June 12th at noon. Any issues with payment email Club Loose.
By Registering below, you are confirming that you have read the Rulebook and meet all requirements and will comply with all additional safety requirements listed above.
Make sure that you are using the correct Payment link for the time slot that you want.
Session 1 – 10AM – 1PM
Session 2 – 1:30PM – 4:30PM
If you register and something happens, registration can be transferred to another event if you let us know before the event starts. You need to email us at After the event, there is nothing that we can do and you will forfeit your registration payment. To cancel registration, you need to notify us at least 3 days before the event.
Ride Alongs
We will not be doing ride alongs at this event.
Social Media
Follow us on Instagram (@clubloose) and Facebook (
Use hashtags like #clubloose, #OpeningMoves and other ones like that so we can see what you’re up to and share your posts if they’re cool.
Support Team
Don’t forget about all the rad stuff offered to our drivers by the Club Loose Support Team. Tires, parts, safety gear, wheels and more! Check out the link below for the full list of companies that are part of the program.
Support Team Main Page
If you have any questions, please contact Club Loose.
See you dudes soon!